Dosimetry Services

At Team Net Medical,

we pride ourselves on being experts in all aspects of dosimetry workflow.

Our team of highly skilled dosimetrists and physicists is dedicated to ensuring that your patients receive the best possible treatment. We understand that efficient treatment planning is critical to reducing costs and ensuring coverage. That's why we offer a range of dosimetry services that are tailored to meet your cancer center's specific needs.

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Efficient Treatment Planning

Our dosimetrists are experts in all aspects of dosimetry workflow, from CT to Linac to TPS to Record and Verify Systems. We work closely with our physics of medical imaging team to ensure that your treatment plans are accurate and tailored to your patients' specific needs. In addition, we offer Remote Treatment Planning services which allow you to take advantage of our expertise without having to leave your cancer center.

Ensure Coverage – Reduce Cost

Staff management can be a challenge, especially when your patient load is high. But with our dosimetry services, you can maximize your resources and ensure that your department's needs are always met. Our flexible contracting options allow you to choose the services that best fit your needs, and our dosimetry support removes the need to contract any locum dosimetry services when you have scheduling gaps.

Dosimetry For Biological Irradiators

At Team Net Medical, we are experts in dosimetry for biological irradiators. Our physicists are certified by the American Board of Radiology and have experience performing dosimetry for biological irradiators across the country and the National Institute for Health. Unlike traditional dosimetry for irradiators, our TMN staff is specialized to perform half-value layer (HVL) measurements, 2D beam profiles for dose distribution analysis, and absolute dose measurements in air and solid water. Additionally, we are experts in timer linearity and output dependence on field size and source to sample distance. We utilize Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) to measure the dose in cell culture dishes, pegs, and mouse phantoms.

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If you are looking for a trusted and reliable partner for your dosimetry needs, contact Team Net Medical today. We would be happy to discuss our radiation therapy services and dosimetry jobs with you and answer any questions you may have.